Roberto Paci Dalò


1. Mizrach
2. Thoreau
3. Gospel
4. EMN40
5. Balàila
6. Interludio  
7. Shpil
8. L'Internazionale di Dalò
9. Sparks

Listen and download on iTunes

An album made out of completely acoustical materials coming from over ten years of recordings, including some rare tracks produced for Audiobox, a no more running radio program by Pinotto Fava and Pino Saulo.
Saulo writes about these materials: "...The instruments make their work, they don't speak and they don't elude each other, they neither stutter or mimic sounds they could have been. The melodic lines cross and intersect, sometimes they accomplice each other and some others they follow different tracks, and then they meet again, they turn or launch themselves in sudden unisons; you can recognize echoes from popular ballads and, at the same time, from Messiaen or Ligeti; they resemble the call around a campfire or a lonely drunk walk.
Roberto names it "cultured dance music". It is remarkable that he avoids the error made by those who put the popular songs into concert halls, arguing a (thanks God?) never concided dignity, which call it "cultured popular music". Roberto is proudly aware of his composing skills, but he's perfectly able to give sound, blood, skin and nerves, namely rhythm, to this music..."

Sono pubblicati alcuni materiali completamente acustici provenienti da registrazioni realizzate nell'arco di oltre dieci anni incluse alcune rare tracce prodotte per il benemerito programma Audiobox - ora scomparso - a cura di Pinotto Fava e Pino Saulo. E proprio Saulo scrive a proposito di questi materiali: "...Gli strumenti fanno il loro lavoro, non si dicono o si eludono (con procedimenti fin troppo di maniera in tanta musica improvvisata), non balbettano ne' mimano suoni che avrebbero potuto essere. Le linee melodiche si incrociano e si intersecano, talvolta tengono bordone, talvolta scendono piste diverse, poi si rincontrano, virano o si lanciano in improvvisi unisoni; si riconoscono echi di ballate popolari come di certe melodie di Messiaen, di Ligeti, chiamano intorno a un fuoco comune o a passeggiate solitarie da ubriaco. Roberto la chiama musica colta ballabile. Non sfugge il fatto che non commette l'errore di dichiararla, al contrario, musica popolare colta, come cercano di fare quelli che portano il canto popolare in museali sale da concerto a pietire una dignità che non a caso (grazie al cielo?) gli è stata sempre negata; Roberto sa, orgogliosamente, di essere un compositore, puo' finanche vantare un'estrazione colta, ma riesce perfettamente nell'impresa di dare suono, sangue, nervi e pelle, insomma ritmo, a questa musica..."

I enjoyed your music very much (...)

– John Zorn

Roberto Paci Dalò clarinet, bass clarinet, voice, samples
Tom Cora cello
Takumi Fukushima violin & japanese narration
Claudio Jacomucci accordion
Jean-Marc Montera electric guitar
Fabrizio Spera drums

Recorded at Centro di produzione Radio RAI, via Asiago 10 Rome, April 1995, as part of the program Audiobox curated by Pinotto Fava and Pino Saulo (1,2,3,5,6,8), sound engineer: Claudio Baldasseroni.

Shpil and Sparks recorded live at the Phonurgia Nova festival, Arles, France, 1996.
EMN40 created as a multi-channel audio/video installation for the Ensemble Musique Nouvelles' 40th anniversary. Coproduced by Musiques Nouvelles, Transcultures, and Giardini Pensili. Flagey, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2002. The film version of this project has been part of the 56th Locarno Film Festival's official selection. Gospel's Yiddish text by Chaim Tauber.

All music composed and produced by Roberto Paci Dalò
Published by L'Arte dell'Ascolto / SIAE
Mastered by Roberto Paci Dalò at Velvet Factory Rimini, with the collaboration of Andrea Felli

SPARKS by Roberto Paci Dalò has been produced with the occasion of Paci Dalò' solo exhibition Sparks on view at Palazzo delle Papesse between October 6th and November 25th, 2007.
Digital distribution: Acanto

Stalingrado, polaroid by Patrizio Esposito; Rimini old harbour by Roberto Paci Dalò, EMN40 still from the video
Design: Michela Bracciali

Tom Cora, in memoriam

Dedicated to Lu Yue







































(P) © Horus Music and Palazzo delle Papesse, 2007