Le Conseil Général 13, partenaire principal de
La Nuit du Centenaire de la Radio

World-Wide Radio Journey
in the frame of
"Nuit du Premier Centenaire de la Radio"
Saturday 27 july 1996
between 23:00 and 24:00 (CET)
a live interactive performance
among European and world-wide cities
Arles ... Cologne ... Jerusalem ... Milan...
Rome ... San Marino ... Internet
The other places

Created and directed by
Roberto Paci Dalò and Isabella Bordoni
Composition by Roberto Paci Dalò
Text by Isabella Bordoni
What is it?
How does it work?
Who created SHPIL?
When it will happen?
Which music, text, image, participants?
What about the promotion ?
Who produce? co-produce? support?
How to know more?

What is it?
SHPIL is an interactive sound performance based on a network (satellite, internet, short waves, ISDN, telephone lines) with several European and world-wide radios (among the others: Radio Nova in Paris, RAI Audiobox Rome, KOL Israel, San Marino RTV, Magyar Ràdiò, Popolare Network).
SHPIL is related to radio connections and to interactions in the electronic space and in the digital networks. The piece uses text, digital image, sounds (vocal, instrumental, synthetic, natural...) presented live in Arles, in the other performance places and on the Net.
SHPIL is based - from a dramaturgical point of view - on the concept of Journey into history and radio space. Building up pathways between territories and cultures. It's also a piece which plays with the multiplicity of languages and with the concept of 'dramaturgy of media'
SHPIL plays with the possibilities of nomadism in the electronic space.
How does it work?
The project has several levels of participation and access:
For the public:
1 _ The invitation to go to the performance places in the different cities
2 _ At home, listening to the radio (FM, SW, MW): the invitation to play live with the piece using the radios and placing the speakers in order to create a personal listening space,
_ with your computer: you can play simultaneously with sounds and images downloaded in a 'virtual radio' (Radio Lada) on-line on the Internet.
For the radio stations:
There are 3 possible levels of participation:
Level 1: rebroadcasting of the signal from Arles which is the result of the general mixing of all sources.
Level 2: performance two-directions between Arles and the et musicians, actors and technicians located in the other cities and on the different frequencies.
Level 3: organisation of "playground spaces" (cybercafes, museums, discotheques...) which allows the public to play with the sounds and the images travelling through the Net during the radio broadcasting.
Who created SHPIL?
SHPIL is a project by Roberto Paci Dalò (1962), composer and director and by Isabella Bordoni (1962), poet and actress, founders of Giardini Pensili and curators of L'Arte dell'Ascolto (LADA) Rimini / San Marino. SHPIL is a further development of a series of telematic and radio projects since 1985 : LA NATURA AMA NASCONDERSI (Vienna and Innsbruck 1992), LA LUNGA NOTTE(Rimini, Innsbruck, Jerusalem, Cologne 1993), REALTIME (1993, Preis Ars Electronica 1994), NODAS (with Kronos Quartet, Vienna Opera House 1993), AURORAS (Hebbel-Theater Berlin 1994), HORIZONTAL RADIO (worldwide, 1995).

When it will happen?
On July 27, 1996 between 23:00 and 24:00 (CET), in the frame of the "Nuit du Centenaire de la radio".
- In Arles, the Théatre Antique is the place where all the sound streams get together and are re-distributed world-wide. In the place is builded a multi-channel system which sees the public in the centre surrounded by the sounds which convert the roman monument in a "Theatre of Listening".
- In the other cities participants - i.e. Budapest, Milan, Rome, San Marino, Jerusalem, Warsaw - where the public is invited to gather in the different places connected.
- Globally, everywhere in Europe and in the world where the signal is broadcasted on the radio frequencies and on the Internet.

Which music, text, image, participants?
Roberto Paci Dalò's music it's an amazing alchemy between new music,
Mediterranean and Eastern European traditional music, popular music .
In SHPIL are also used typical radio sounds and voices coming from wireless telephones around Europe.
Those materials are performed live with interactive computer systems.
Other materials - like verbal/acoustical descriptions of urban landscapes - come from sounds collected in the active participant cities at SHPIL.
Isabella Bordoni's text is both time narrative and lirical. This original Italian text is translated into other languages
including the Yiddish one. It's a spoken, sang, 'rapped' text.
Part of the visual work is realized by the Kunsthochschule für Medien (Academy of Media Arts) in Cologne and transmitted in realtime through the Net in order to be used in Arles as visual digital set.
Among the participants: Tom Cora, Jean-Marc Montera, Esti Kenan-Ofri, Quartetto d'Archi dell'Istituto Musicale Sammarinese,
Isabella Bordoni, Roberto Paci Dalò, Dorothea Schürch, Kirk Woolford, Patrizio Esposito, Fabrizio Spera, Moni Ovadia, Paolo Atzori and others...

What about the promotion?
The network of participant broadcasting stations
Nova Magazine and Radio Nova 101.5
Les Mangeurs de sons (75 000 copies distributed in Summer festivals)
il manifesto
Who produce? co-produce? support?
SHPIL is produced by
Phonurgia Nova / Université d'Eté de la Radiophonie / Arles
Giardini Pensili / Rimini
Radio Nova / Nova Production
Radio Lada
Kunsthochschule für Medien Cologne
Kol Israel
RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana / Audiobox
San Marino RTV
Magyar Ràdiò Hungary
Popolare Network Italy
Radio France International
RTM Radiodiffusion Marocaine
RDP Radiodifusao Portuguesa
Yleisradio Oy
Le Monde
il manifesto
The City of Arles
The Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône
The Région Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Musée National des Techniques / Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
Bibliothéque Medem Paris
Galerie Art en Tête Paris
Istituto Musicale Sammarinese
CIRM Centre International de Recherche Musicale
Università di Bologna / Computer Science Department
CICV Pierre Schaeffer
France Télécom
How to know more?
NOVA production
voice : +33 53 33 33 55
fax : +33 44 74 07 59
contact : Andrew Orr
voice : +33 90 93 79 79
fax : +33 90 93 86 23
contact : Marc Jacquin
voice & fax : +39 541 75 93 16
E-mail: RADIO_LADA@iper.net


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